Facebook and Instagram videos now also run in Whatsapp

Simplified playback

Whatsapp makes its users happy: In the future, Facebook and Instagram videos can be played directly in the app in the Messenger – even if you text in other chats. The innovation is not yet available in the Android version.

This new feature will please Whatsapp users – at least when using the Messenger service in the iOS version. This means that it will now be possible to open and play links from videos posted in partner services Facebook and Instagram directly in the app. The picture-in-picture feature allows you to continue watching movies even if you switch to another chat, Whatsapp says in an update note on iTunes. The feature is available with an update to software version 2.18.51. However, the innovation has not yet made it into the Android version.

Whatsapp also changes the rights for group admins

Administrators can now also remove the admin status of other group members (later) and also define who can change the group subject, the group picture or the group description.

According to Whatsapp, these changes can be made with a few clicks in the “Group Info” settings area.

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